Greasy Water Lift Pump
Lifting greasy water that requires separation isn’t as easy as simply pumping it. Standard lifting stations with vortex or macerating pumps emulsify the wastewater as it is pumped. If the oil droplets within the wastewater are emulsified to a size of 80 Microns or less then the oil will take four times as long to separate. This means a grease trap must be four times as large to hold the required volume of water in a settled state to separate.
If the oil droplets are emulsified to less than 20 microns then the oil will not separate from gravity alone. The wastewater will require chemical or coalescing treatment.
For this reason, positive displacement pumps (also known as screw pumps) are required for lifting greasy water that needs separation. MACTRAP provides special lifting stations from KESSEL for use where the grease separator is located higher than the collected wastewater from the kitchen. A screw pump pushes the wastewater into the grease separator, without any emulsification taking place.