Customer: Fast Food Franchise Outlet
This fast food franchise has a standard specification of a 3000l external passive trap for their restaurants. However, when new restaurants are opened in existing buildings, malls and food courts it is not always possible to install an external grease trap.
The franchise has its own high-performance filtration system installed to extract solids and reduce the wastewater flow rate, enabling them to consider under bench options.
Design Considerations
- The council has set a max daily wastewater discharge of 10m³.
- Fit in a confined space (and provide a blueprint for future compact stores0.
- Very high FOG recovery requirement.
- Minimal staff input desired.
- Capable of treating high inflow.
- Need a grease removal solution that reduces ongoing costs.
- Sink volume (total of three) = 276 litres
- A one-minute unimpeded drain time of 75% = 207 litres
- Max flow rate without filter 207/60 = 3.45 litres/second
- Max flow rate after filtration system (30% of inflow) = 1.035 litres/second
- Average total m³/day (6) = 0.25 m³/hour
- Average flow rate = 41.6 litres/minute or 0.7 litres/second
Customer: G15 EasyClean Under Bench
The MACTRAP G15 Easy Clean is tested to remove FOG to less than 100 g/m3 at an inflow rate up to 1.5 litres/second.
The G15 has exceeded all requirements and is doing the work of a 3000L external passive trap.