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Fuel/Oil Separators

Fuel/Oil Separators


The efficient solution for oil or fuel contaminated wastewater

Fuel/Oil Separators or interceptors (the terms can be used interchangeably) are used to protect water bodies and sewer systems from light fluids¹.  MACTRAP Fuel/Oil separation systems intercept mineral oils and fuels collected in wastewater from sources such as petrol stations, car washes, vehicle repair garages and industry.  These oil and fuel separators are amongst the safest and most effective light fluid capture systems available.

Fuel/Oil Separators can be used:

  • For the treatment of rainwater contaminated with light fluids from surfaced areas.
  • As a retaining system for light fluids where light fluids are handled.
  • For the treatment of dirty water contaminated with light fluids.
  • For the treatment of waste water produced by vehicle wash bays.
¹ Light fluids refers to fluids of mineral origin with a density of ≤ 0.95 g/cm3, which are insoluble or only slightly soluble in water, and which are non-saponifiable.

Coalescence Separator


Wastewater enters the separator and the heavier sludge and sediment sink to the bottom of the chamber while at the same time the light fluids rise to the surface. Cleaned wastewater exits the separator without allowing any of the separated sludge or light fluids to leave the separating chamber.

Coalescence Separators

Coalescence Separators operate on the same principle as Fuel/Oil Separators. A coalescence filter is integrated into the system to catch droplets of oil too small to separate from the wastewater. Fine droplets of oil are trapped by the filter where they combine with other fine droplets until they reach buoyancy, and rise to the surface.

Self activated closure lock

Both the fuel/oil and the coalescence separators are equipped with a self-activated closure lock which completely closes the outlet of the separator when the separator reaches its maximum fuel/oil storage volume. This prevents the escape of light fluids into the drainage system.

Alarm units

To reduce the chances of the separator shutting down due to overcapacity in the fuel/oil storage chamber, an alarm unit can be installed which monitors the fuel/oil level.  MACTRAP recommends the installation of these alarm units in high fuel/oil applications.

Coalescence filter with self actuated closure lock


MACTRAP manufactures fuel/oil separators in New Zealand and they are available in sizes from 250L to 6000L

The Polymer material used is resistant to bioethanol and biodiesel and particularly durable.

We provide a 30-year inground warranty for impermeability, fitness for use and structural stability.


All of the fuel/oil separators can be fitted with coalescence filters.

Emergency float switch. This emergency system prevents the leakage of light liquids into the sewer pipe.

Optional, automatic layer thickness measuring of the oil and sludge layer thickness in coalescence and fuel/oil separators.


Oil Containment
MTFO250 360 l 75 l 1200 mm 500 mm 600 mm
MTFO500 700 l 103 l 1500 mm 550 mm 850 mm
MTFO750 980 l 140 l 1500 mm 750 mm 870 mm
MTFO1000 1275 l 160 l 1500 mm 850 mm 1000 mm
MTFO2000 2520 l 300 l 3000 mm 800 mm 1050 mm
Data Sheets
MTFO250 Data Sheet
MTFO500 Data Sheet
MTFO750 Data Sheet
MTFO1000 Data Sheet
MTFO1500 Data Sheet
MTFO2000 Data Sheet
MTFO3000 Data Sheet
MTFO4000 Data Sheet
MTFO5000 Data Sheet
MTFO6000 Data Sheet

Covers & Risers

Mactrap separators are available with Class A Pedestrian lids in HDPE and Class D Vehicular lids in cast iron. The riser mounts are pre-welded and a flexible coupling allows easy installation of the fully sealed riser flanges and screw on covers. Surrounding concrete or other medium must be engineered for the appropriate loading.

Further Information

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